2020年預算:Nirmala Sitharaman的預算講話全文

財政部長尼爾瑪拉·西塔拉曼(Nirmala Sitharaman)周六在議會上提交了2020年聯邦預算。她宣布啟動新的個人所得稅制度,該制度可以幫助中產階級節省稅款,並取消股息分配稅(DDT)。這是Sitharaman預算演講的全文。














10.在這個成熟階段,商品及服務稅確實面臨某些挑戰。這是自然而然的,因為過渡令人生畏。 GST理事會一直積極解決過渡期間的問題。在過去的兩年中,我們增加了超過600,000名新的納稅人,總共提交了約4億美元的納稅申報表,上載了80億美元的發票,併產生了10.5億美元的電子方式賬單。與利益相關者進行了廣泛的接觸。從2020年4月1日起,將引入簡化的新退貨系統。

11.一位前任總理曾經對福利計劃的成果未能達到預期的公民表示關切–普通的和應得的公民只收到為他送來的每盧比15披薩。在「薩布卡·薩特,薩布卡·維卡斯,薩布卡·維什瓦斯」的指導下,我們的政府和總理加快了速度,擴大了直接使窮人和處境不利者受益的計劃和方案的實施。我僅列舉幾個例子: )嵌入了直接收益轉移(DBT)的福利計劃;(b)提供基本需求和預防性保健措施的衛生和水;(c)通過Ayushman Bharat的保健;(d)通過Ujjwala的清潔能源和太陽能;(e)金融包容性,信貸支持,對脆弱群體的保險保護和養老金計劃;(f)通過寬頻和UPI進行數字滲透;(g)通過PMAY為所有人提供可負擔住房。












第三:我們將成為一個既人道又富有同情心的關愛社會。 Antyodaya是一種信仰。








20.前面所述的三個主題構成了我隨後演講的基礎。它們是花束的花朵,凸顯了「輕鬆生活」的總體概念,需要提升我們的總理什里·納倫德拉·莫迪(Shri Narendra Modi)所說的治理,有關財務的章節以及隨後的稅收B部分提供了必要的基礎。預算為明年及以後奠定了指南。



達爾·曼茲(Dal Manz)PolvunPamposhHyuv









22.我們的政府致力於實現到2022年農民收入增加一倍的目標。我們通過KUMUM提供了能源主權,並通過Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana提供了主權。我們為在Fasal Bima Yojana項目下受保的611萬農民提供了恢復力。專註於豆類的種植,通過Krishi Sinchai Yojana擴大微灌溉,提高了該國的自力更生。通過PM-KISAN直接向農民提供任何年度收入補充。通過PMGSY的連通性,金融包容性有助於提高農場收入。






b)《 2017年農產品和牲畜營銷示範法(促進和便利化)》;以及



23(3)。在2019年7月的預算演講中,我曾說過“annadata”也可以是“urjadata”。 PM-KUSUM計劃消除了農民對柴油和煤油的依賴,並將泵組與太陽能相連。現在,我建議擴大該計劃,為200萬農民提供安裝獨立太陽能泵的機會。此外,我們還將幫助另外15萬名農民對他們的併網泵組進行太陽能照明。此外,一項使農民能夠在其荒蕪/荒蕪的土地上建立太陽能發電能力並將其出售給電網的計劃將付諸實施。





-明智的泰米爾老婦聖詩人Aauvaiyar – Sangam時代

「 Aaathichoodi」第81節



23(6)。作為一種向後鏈接,建議由SHG實施「鄉村存儲計劃」。這將為農民提供良好的保管能力,並降低其物流成本。婦女,自助團體應重新擔任「 Dhaanya Lakshmi」的職務。




23(10)。雨育地區的綜合農業系統應予以擴大。將增加多層種植,養蜂,太陽能水泵,非作物季節的太陽能生產。零預算自然農業(2019年7月預算中提到)也應包括在內。 「 jaivikkheti」門戶網站–全國有機產品在線市場也將得到加強。


23(12)。非銀行金融公司(NBFC)和合作社活躍於農業信貸領域。 NABARD再融資計劃將進一步擴大。 2020-21年的農業信貸目標已定為15千萬克朗。 KCC計劃將涵蓋PM-KISAN的所有合格受益人。

23(13)。我國政府計划到2025年消除口蹄疫,牛布魯氏菌病以及綿羊和山羊瘟病小反芻動物(PPR)。人工授精的覆蓋率將從目前的30%增加到70%。 MNREGS將與發展飼料農場相吻合。此外,到2025年,我們將推動牛奶加工能力從5350萬噸增加到1.08億噸。



我們的政府將通過3477 SagarMitras和500個魚農生產者組織,使青年參與漁業推廣。我們希望到2024-25年將漁業出口提高到10億克拉。

23(16)。在DeenDayal Antyodaya Yojana減貧計划下,動員了58萬戶SHG。我們將進一步擴展SHG。




b)農村發展和潘賈亞蒂(Panchayati Raj)-`123,000萬千萬



25.我們對醫療保健具有整體看法,可以轉變為公民的健康。 Indradhanush任務已擴大到涵蓋12種此類疾病,包括五種新疫苗。 FIT印度運動是與生活方式問題相關的非傳染性疾病鬥爭的重要組成部分。已經啟動了重點突出的安全水(賈爾·傑萬任務)和全面衛生計劃(斯瓦什·巴拉特任務),以支持健康願景。這將減輕窮人的疾病負擔。

26.目前,在PM Jan Arogya Yojana(PMJAY)的領導下,有20,000多家經驗豐富的醫院。根據該計劃,我們在二級和三級城市中需要更多的貧困人口。


26(2)。通過使用機器學習和AI,在Ayushman Bharat計劃中,衛生當局和醫療兄弟會可以通過適當設計的預防方案來針對疾病。

27.發起了「 TB Harega Desh Jeetega」運動,我建議加強這些努力,以實現我們對在2025年結束結核病的承諾。



29.我國政府致力於實施ODF Plus,以維持ODF的行為並確保不留下任何人。現在,在液體和灰水管理方面還需要做更多的工作。重點還將放在固體廢物收集,源頭分類和處理上。

Swachh Bharat任務的總撥款在2020-21財年約為1,230億盧比。















38(2)。國家考試委員會授予PG醫學資格;國家委員會文憑和研究員(DNB / FNB)。因此,政府將鼓勵有足夠能力的大型醫院向國家考試委員會提供住院醫生DNB / FNB課程。








41.有必要最大限度地提高三個單獨開展的經濟活動的利益:(1)即將到來的經濟走廊; (二)振興製造業活動; (3)技術和理想水平的要求。我們必須從他們的融合中受益。因此,建議以PPP模式與國家合作開發五個新的智慧城市。將選擇根據上述原則提供最佳選擇的此類站點。





















53. FASTag機制鼓勵我們使高速公路更加商業化,以便NHAI可以籌集更多資源。我建議在2024年之前將至少十二批超過6000公里的高速公路捆綁貨幣化。




c)旨在使27000 Km的軌道電氣化。







`18,600千萬,將是地鐵模型的票價。 Central Government would provide 20% of equity and facilitate external assistance up to 60% of the project cost.

55.Our sea-ports need to be more efficient. Technology has to used to improve performance. A governance framework keeping with global benchmarks needs to be put in place.

This government would consider corporatizing at least one major port and subsequently its listing on the stock exchanges.

56.Inland Waterways received a boost in the last five years. The Jal Vikas Marg on National Waterway-1 will be completed. Further, the 890 Km Dhubri-Sadiya connectivity will be done by 2022.

Developing waterways has its impact on the eco-system on both the banks of the river. Our Prime Minister has conceptualised 「Arth Ganga”. Plans are afoot to energise economic activity along river banks.

57.Air traffic has been growing rapidly in the country as compared to global average. One hundred more airports would be developed by 2024 to support Udaan scheme. It is expected that the air fleet number shall go up from the present 600 to 1200 during this time.

I propose to provide about ` 1.70 lakh crore for transport Infrastructure in 2020-21.

58.Taking electricity to every household has been a major achievement. However, the distribution sector, particularly the DISCOMS are under financial stress. The Ministry intends to promote 「smart” metering. I urge all the States and Union Territories to replace conventional energy meters by prepaid smart meters in the next 3 years. Also, this would give consumers the freedom to choose the supplier and rate as per their requirements.

Further measure to reform DISCOMs would be taken.

I propose to provide about ` 22,000 crore to power and renewable energy sector in 2020-21

59.In the upstream sector of oil and gas, the Open Acreage Licensing Policy (OALP) is a success having awarded 1,37,000 sq km for exploration to private sector and to the CPSEs. City gas distribution rights are also awarded.

60 (1).Further, it is proposed to expand the national gas grid from the present 16200 km to 27000 km, and

60 (2).To deepen gas markets in India, further reforms will be undertaken to facilitate transparent price discovery and ease of transactions.

New Economy

61.The new economy is based on innovations that disrupt established business models. Artificial intelligence, Internet-of-Things (IoT), 3D printing, drones, DNA data storage, quantum computing, etc., are re-writing the world economic order. India has already embraced new paradigms such as the sharing economy with aggregator platforms displacing conventional businesses. Government has harnessed new technologies to enable direct benefit transfers and financial inclusion on a scale never imagined before.

62.It is now a cliché – 「data is the new oil” and it is true that Analytics, Fintech and Internet of Things (IOT) are changing the way we deal with our lives. To take advantage of this, I propose:

62 (1).To bring out soon a policy to enable private sector to build Data Centre parks throughout the country. It will enable our firms to skilfully incorporate data in every step of their value chains.

62 (2). Our vision is that all 「public institutions” at Gram Panchayat level such as Anganwadis, health and wellness centres, government schools, PDS outlets, post offices and police stations will be provided with digital connectivity. So, Fibre to the Home (FTTH) connections through Bharatnet will link 100,000 gram panchayats this year.

It is proposed to provide ` 6000 crore to Bharatnet programme in 2020-21.

63.We need to expand the base for knowledge-driven enterprises. Intellectual property creation and protection will play an important role. Several measures are proposed in this regard, which will benefit the Start-ups.

63 (1). A digital platform would be promoted that would facilitate seamless application and capture of IPRs. Also, in an Institute of Excellence, a Centre would be established that would work on the complexity and innovation in the field of Intellectual Property.

63 (2). Knowledge Translation Clusters would be set up across different technology sectors including new and emerging areas.

63 (3).For designing, fabrication and validation of proof of concept, and further scaling up Technology Clusters, harbouring such test beds and small scale manufacturing facilities would be established.

63 (4). Mapping of India』s genetic landscape is critical for next generation medicine, agriculture and for bio-diversity management. To support this development, we will initiate two new national level Science Schemes, to create a comprehensive database.

63 (5). The government proposes to provide early life funding, including a seed fund to support ideation and development of early stage Start-ups.

64.Quantum technology is opening up new frontiers in computing, communications, cyber security with wide-spread applications. It is expected that lots of commercial applications would emerge from theoretical constructs which are developing in this area.

It is proposed to provide an outlay of ` 8000 crore over a period five years for the National Mission on Quantum Technologies and Applications.

Caring Society

In our third theme we focus on Women &Child, Social Welfare; Culture and Tourism and also on Environment and Climate Change.

Women & Child, Social Welfare

65.I am pleased to inform the House that 「Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” has yielded tremendous results. Gross enrolment ratio of girls across all levels of education is now higher than boys. At elementary level, it is 94.32 % as against 89.28% for boys. At Secondary level, it is 81.32 % as compared to 78 %, At higher secondary level girls have achieved a level of 59.70 % as compared to 57.54 % for boys.

66.Health of mother and child are closely corelated. Nutrition is the critical component of health. To improve the nutritional status of children (0-6 years), adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers, our Prime Minister launched a 「Poshan Abhiyan” in 2017-18. More than six lakh anganwadi workers are equipped with smart phones to upload the nutritional status of more than 10 crore households. The scale of these developments is unprecedented.

67.Women』s age of marriage was increased from fifteen years to eighteen years in 1978,by amending erstwhile Sharda Act of 1929. As India progresses further, opportunities open up for women to pursue higher education and careers. There are imperatives of lowering MMR as well as improvement of nutrition levels. Entire issue about age of a girl entering motherhood needs to be seen in this light. I propose to appoint a task force that will present its recommendations in six months』 time.

I propose to provide `35600crore for nutrition-related programmes for the financial year 2020-21.

68.In continuing with our government』s commitment to the welfare of women, this budget provides for about ` 28,600crore for programs that are specific to women.

69. Our government is determined that there shall be no manual cleaning of sewer systems or septic tanks. Suitable technologies for such tasks have been identified by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. The Ministry is working with urban local bodies for the adoption of these technologies. We will now take this to its logical conclusion through legislative and institutional changes. Financial support for wider acceptance of such technologies will be provided.

70In furthering this government』s commitment towards the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Other Backward classes, I propose a budget provision of about`85,000crore for 2020-21.

71. In furthering development and welfare of Scheduled tribes, I provide in the Budget for the year 2020-21 an amount of about `53,700crore.

72.This government is mindful of the concerns of senior citizens and Divyang. Accordingly, an enhanced allocation of about `9,500 crore is being provided for 2020-21.

Culture & Tourism

73.Our government proposes to establish an Indian Institute of Heritage and Conservation under Ministry of Culture; it shall have the status of a deemed University to start with. Acquisition of knowledge in disciplines such as museology and archaeology are essential for collecting and analysing scientific evidence of such findings and for dissemination through high quality museums. Currently lack of trained man-power is a handicap for both these disciplines. This also affects tourism.

74.Five archaeological sites would be developed as iconic sites with on-site Museums. They are: Rakhigarhi (Haryana), Hastinapur (Uttar Pradesh) Shivsagar (Assam), Dholavira (Gujarat) and Adichanallur (Tamil Nadu).

75.Our Prime Minister in January 2020 announced re-curation of the Indian Museum in Kolkata, which is the oldest in the country.

75 (1).In the historic Old Mint building Kolkata, a museum on Numismatics and Trade will also be located. Four more museums from across the country shall be taken up for renovation and re-curation so that a world class experience can be offered to visitors. Our government shall also support setting up of a Tribal Museum in Ranchi (Jharkhand).

75 (2).A maritime museum would be set up at Lothal- the Harrapan age maritime site near Ahmedabad, by Ministry of Shipping.

I propose to provide ` 3,150crore for Ministry of Culture for


76.India has moved up from rank 65 in 2014 to 34 in 2019 in the Travel & Tourism Competitive Index (World Economic Forum). Foreign exchange earnings grew 7.4% to `1.88 lakh crores for the period January to November 2019 from `1.75 lakh crores

Growth of tourism directly relates to growth and employment. States have a critical role to play. I expect the State governments to develop a roadmap for certain identified destinations and formulate financial plans during 2021 against which specified grants will be made available to the States in 2020-21.

For purpose of tourism promotion, I propose to allocate ` 2,500 crore for 2020-21.

Environment & Climate Change

77.In September 2019, the Prime Minister has launched the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) with its Secretariat in Delhi. This global partnership is the second such international initiative after the launch of International Solar Alliance in 2015. This Global Partnership will help in addressing a number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as also the aims of Sendaiframework. It will enhance climate change adaptation with a focus on disaster resilient infrastructure

78.India submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution, under the Paris Agreement in 2015 on a 「best effort” basis, keeping in mind the development imperative of the country. Its implementation effectively begins on 1st January 2021. Our commitments as action will be executed in various sectors by the Departments/Ministries concerned through the normal budgeting process.

79.There are yet, thermal power plants that are old and their carbon emission levels are high.

For such power plants, we propose that utilities running them would be advised to close them, if their emission is above the pre-set norms. The land so vacated can be put to alternative use.

80.In large cities having population above one million, clean air is a matter of concern. The government proposes to encourage such States that are formulating and implementing plans for ensuring cleaner air in cities above one million. Parameters for the incentives would be notified by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate change. Allocation for this purpose is `4400 crore for 2020-21.

நல்ல நாடு

பிணியின்மை, செல்வம் விளைவின்பம் ஏமம்

அணியென்ப நாட்டிவ் வைந்து.

குறள்- 738

(The meaning of this kural is that Freedom from illness, wealth, produce, happiness and protection (to subjects); these five, are the ornaments of a kingdom).


81.Hon』ble Speaker, Sir, all the while I have explained the colour and composition of the bouquet of flowers – schemes and programmes. They were grouped under Aspirational India, Economic Development and Caring India. Now I speak about the two hands that will hold them. One such hand is Governance – clean, corruption-free, policy driven and good in intent and most importantly trusting in faith. Trusting every citizen, the aspirational youth, the hard-working women, the risk-taking entrepreneur, the ever hopeful and untiring farmer or the wise and old senior citizen. Many among them are taxpayers. Others may not be taxpayers today. Our Prime Minister has laid before us Ease of Living as a goal to be achieved on behalf of all citizens. An important aspect of both ease of living and ease of doing business is fairness and efficiency of tax administration. We wish to enshrine in the statutes a 「taxpayer charter” through this budget. Our government would like to reassure taxpayers that we remain committed to taking measures so that our citizens are free from harassment of any kind.

82.There has been a debate about building into statutes, criminal liability for acts that are civil in nature. Hence, for Companies Act, certain amendments are proposed to be made that will correct this. Similarly, other laws would also be examined, where such provisions exist and attempts would be made to correct them.

83.The Government intends to introduce major reforms in recruitment to Non-Gazetted posts in governments and public sector banks. At present, candidates have to appear for multiple examinations conducted by multiple agencies at different points of time, for similar posts This places enormous burden on time, effort and cost of young people. To mitigate their hardship faced, it is proposed to set up a National Recruitment Agency (NRA) as an independent, professional, specialist organisation for conduct of a computer-based online Common Eligibility Test for recruitment to Non-Gazetted posts. A test-centre in every district, particularly in the Aspirational Districts would be set up.

84.For speedy disposal of commercial and other disputes, Government has constituted various Tribunals and specialised bodies. It is proposed to evolve a robust mechanism for appointment including direct recruitment to these bodies to attract best talents and professional experts.

85.A stable and predictable business environment is a key objective of this government. There is also a strong argument for ensuring that contracts are honoured. India has a sound framework related to Contracts Act. We shall deliberate upon strengthening it.

86.There is a growing need for the Indian Statistical system to meet the challenges of real time monitoring of our increasingly complex economy. Data must have strong credibility. The proposed new National Policy on Official Statistics would use latest technology including AI. It would lay down a road-map towards modernised data collection, integrated information portal and timely dissemination of information.

87.I am happy to inform that India will host G 20 presidency in the year 2022- the year of 75th anniversary of independence of Indian Nation. During this presidency, India would be able to drive considerably the global economic and development agenda. For this historic occasion, I allocate a sum of ` 100 crore to begin the preparations.

88.North Eastern region has a very high priority in Government』s Developmental agenda. Government is ensuring smooth access to financial assistance from multilateral and bilateral funding agencies to help introduce innovative and global best practices. Central Government has effectively used an online portal to reduce gestation period of online. This has improved the flow of funds to the northeast region.

89.The Government is fully committed to supporting the all-round development of the newly formed Union Territories of J&K and the Union Territory of Ladakh. Accordingly, an amount of `30,757 crore has been provided for the Financial Year 2020-21. An amount of `5,958 crore has been provided for the Union Territory of Ladakh.

Financial Sector

90.If Governance was described as one of the pair of hands holding the bouquet consisting of Aspirational India, Economic Development and Caring India, the other is the Financial Sector. A clean, reliable and robust financial sector is critical to the economy. In our efforts to achieve the USD 5 trillion economy, the financial architecture should keep evolving and move from strength to strength.

91.We had earlier approved consolidation of 10 banks into four. In the last few years, Government of India has infused about` 3,50,000 crore by way of capital into Public Sector Banks for regulatory and growth purposes. Governance reforms would be carried out in these banks, so that they become more competitive.

A few among them will be encouraged to approach capital market to raise additional capital.

92.I wish to inform this august House that robust mechanism is in place to monitor the health of all Scheduled Commercial Banks and that depositors』 money is safe.

Further, the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation (DICGC) has been permitted to increase Deposit Insurance Coverage for a depositor, which is now `one lakh to `five lakh per depositor.

93.To strengthen the Cooperative Banks, amendments to the Banking Regulation Act are proposed for increasing professionalism, enabling access to capital and improving governance and oversight for sound banking through the RBI.

94.The limit for NBFCs to be eligible for debt recovery under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest (SARFAESI) Act 2002 is proposed to be reduced from ` 500 crore to asset size of ` 100 crore or loan size from existing ` 1 crore to ` 50 lakh.

95.In the last few years, the government has taken concrete steps to bring our banking system to be robust. However, there is a need for greater private capital. Accordingly, it is proposed to sell the balance holding of Government of India IDBI Bank to private, retail and institutional investors through the stock exchange.

96.There is a need to take further steps to bring in transparency and greater professionalism in Public Sector Banks. The government will take appropriate measures.

97.To help easy mobility while in jobs, we wish to infuse into the Universal Pension coverage with auto enrolment; also, we wish to place such mechanisms which can enable inter-operability and provide safeguards for the accumulated corpus.

Regulating role of PFRDAI requires strengthening. Necessary amendments would be carried out in Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority of India Act that will also facilitate separation of NPS trust for government employees from PFRDAI. This would also enable establishment of a Pension Trust by the employees other than Government. I am confident that this will motivate citizens to plan for their old age.

98.MSMEs are vital to keep the wheels of economy moving. They also create job, innovate and are risk takers. Several measures for the MSMEs have been taken in the past few years. There are more steps proposed in this budget also.

98(1).I propose to make necessary amendments to the Factor Regulation Act 2011. This will enable NBFCs to extend invoice financing to the MSMEs through TReDS, thereby enhancing their economic and financial sustainability.

98(2).Working capital credit remains a major issue for the MSMEs. It is proposed to introduce a scheme to provide subordinate debt for entrepreneurs of MSMEs. This subordinate debt to be provided by banks would count as quasi-equity and would be fully guaranteed through the Credit Guarantee Trust for Medium and Small Entrepreneurs (CGTMSE). The corpus of the CGTMSE would accordingly be augmented by the government.

98(3).More than five lakh MSMEs have benefitted from restructuring of debt permitted by RBI in the last year. The restructuring window was to end on March 31, 2020. Government has asked RBI to consider extending this window till March 31, 2021.

98(4).An app-based invoice financing loans product will be launched. This will obviate the problem of delayed payments and consequential cash flows mismatches for the MSMEs.

99.Many mid-size companies are successful domestically but not in export markets. For selected sectors such as pharmaceuticals, auto components and others, we propose to extend handholding support – for technology upgradations, R&D, business strategy etc. A scheme of ` 1000 crore will be anchored by EXIM Bank together with SIDBI. Both these institutions would contribute ` 50 crore each. This ` 100 crore would be achieved towards equity and technical assistance. Debt funding of `900 crore from banks would be made available.

Financial Markets

100.Last year, in the budget speech, I had mentioned about deepening the bond market. To achieve the aspirational growth rate,we would require flow of capital in our financial system. A lot of work has been done on this in consultation with the RBI.

Hon』ble Speaker, Sir, I am pleased to inform this House of the developments:

100(1).Certain specified categories of Government securities would be opened fully for non-resident investors, apart from being available to domestic investors as well.

100(2).The limit for FPI in corporate bonds, currently at 9% of outstanding stock, will be increased to 15% of the outstanding stock of corporate bonds.

100(3).To improve investors』 confidence and to expand the scope of credit default swaps, we propose to formulate a legislation, to be placed soon before the House, for laying down a mechanism for netting of financial contracts.

101.The Debt-based Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) recently floated by the government was a big success. Government proposes to expand this by floating a new Debt-ETF consisting primarily of government securities.

This will give retail investors access to government securities as much as giving an attractive investment for pension funds and long-term investors.

102.To address the liquidity constraints of the NBFCs/HFCs, post the Union budget 2019-20, the government formulated a Partial Credit Guarantee scheme for the NBFCs. To further this support of providing liquidity, a mechanism would be devised. Government will offer support by guaranteeing securities so floated.

Infrastructure Financing

103.Government』s commitment for investment in infrastructure was reiterated when `103 lakh crore National Infrastructure Pipeline projects were announced. I would also like to inform that about ` 22,000 crore has already been provided, as support to Infrastructure Pipeline. This would cater for equity support to Infrastructure Finance Companies such as IIFCL and a subsidiary of NIIF. They would leverage it, as permissible, to create financing pipeline of more than `1,00,000 crore. This would create a major source of long term debt for infrastructure projects and fulfil a long awaited requirement.

104.IFSC, GIFT city has the potential to become a centre of international finance as well as a centre for high end data processing:

104 (1).GIFT IFSC has an approved Free Trade zone for housing vaults. It already has 19 insurance entities, 40 banking entities. It has also provided for setting up of precious metals testing laboratories and refining facilities. With the approval of the regulator, GIFT City would set up an International Bullion exchange(s) in GIFT-IFSC as an additional option for trade by global market participants. This will enable India to enhance its position worldwide, create jobs in India and will lead to better price discovery of gold.

104 (2).In recent years there has been a surge in trading volumes of Indian rupee in the offshore financial centres. The Government and RBI has taken various measures to permit Rupee derivatives to be traded in the International Financial Services Centre at GIFT city, Gujarat.


105.Listing of companies on stock exchanges discipline a company and provides access to financial markets and unlocks its value. It also gives opportunity for retail investors to participate in the wealth so created. The government now proposes to sell a part of its holding in LIC by way of Initial Public Offer (IPO).

Fiscal Management

106.XV Finance Commission has given its first report pertaining to Financial Year 2020-21. In the spirit of co-operative federalism, I am pleased to announce that we have, in substantial measure, accepted the recommendations of the Commission. The commission would submit its final report to the President during the latter part of the year, for five years beginning 2021-22.

107.It is decided to transfer to the GST Compensation Fund balances due out of collection of the years 2016-17 and 2017-18, in two instalments. Hereinafter, transfers to the fund would be limited only to collection by way of GST compensation cess.

108. A fundamental overhaul of Centrally Sponsored Schemes and Central Sector Schemes is necessary, to align them with emerging social and economic needs of tomorrow, and to ensure that scarce public resources are spent optimally.

109.Recently there has been a debate over transparency and credibility of the projected fiscal numbers. Let me assure the House that the procedure adopted is compliant with the FRBM Act. This is also consistent with the practices hitherto followed.

However, for greater clarity, I have enumerated those central Government debt that are not part of market borrowing and are used to fund the expenditure at the annexes. Servicing of interest and repayment of these debts as hitherto, are done out of Consolidated fund of India.

110.Revised Estimates of Expenditure for the Financial Year 2019-20 are at a level of ` 26.99 lakh Crore and the receipts are estimated at `19.32lakh crore.

We have estimated nominal growth of GDP for year 2020-21, on the basis of trends available, at 10%. Accordingly, receipts for the year 2020-21 are estimated at ` 22.46 lakh cr and, keeping in mind commitment of the Government towards various schemes and need for improvement in quality of life, level of expenditure has been kept at ` 30.42 lakh crore.

During the year Government has unfailingly worked towards keeping up the capital expenditure. Actually, there is substantial enhancement. All the flagship schemes of the government have been fully provided for. Details may be seen at the annexes to the printed copy of my speech.

111.Every budget must appropriately address the issue of fiscal deficit. Recently Government has undertaken very significant tax reforms for boosting investments. However, expected tax buoyancy will take time.

We estimate a fiscal deficit of 3.8% in RE 2019-20 and 3.5% for

BE 2020-21. This estimation is consistent with Government』s abiding commitment to macroeconomic stability. It comprises of,

(a)3.3% for year 2019-20, and 3% for the 2020-21 budget estimate;

(b)Section 4 (2) of the FRBM Act provides for a trigger mechanism for a deviation from the estimated fiscal deficit on account of structural reforms in the economy with unanticipated fiscal implications. Therefore, I have taken a deviation of 0.5%, consistent with Section 4(3) of FRBM Act, both for RE 2019-20 and BE 2020-21.

Accordingly, the return path is being laid before the parliament as a part of Medium Term Fiscal Policy cum Strategy Statement. This fiscal path commits us to the path of fiscal consolidation without compromising the needs of investment out of public funds.

Accordingly, net market borrowings for the year 2019-20 would be

` 4.99 lakh crore and for the year 2020-21, it would be `5.36 lakh crore.

112.A good part of the borrowings for the financial year 2020-21 would go towards Capital expenditure of the Government that has been scaled up by more than 21%. As, I had previously mentioned another about ` 22,000 crore have been allocated for equity to fund certain specified infrastructure finance companies, who would leverage it manifold and provide much needed long-term finance to Infrastructure sector. That should spur growth impulses in the economy.

I would, now, move to Part B of my speech.


Direct Tax

113.Mr Speaker, Sir, our Government has spearheaded radical fiscal measures to ensure that India』s economy continues to tread the path of high growth. These are times when countries are competing with each other like never before to become the most attractive destination for doing business. Therefore, to make sure that India stays globally competitive and a favoured destination for investment, we took a bold historic decision of reducing the corporate tax rate for new companies in the manufacturing sector to an unprecedented level of 15%. Similarly, for the existing companies, the rate has also been brought down to just 22%. As a result, our corporate tax rates are now amongst the lowest in the world. This will enable companies to expand their businesses and make fresh investments in the coming future. Though we will have loss of substantial revenue due to these measures in the short-run, I am certain that our economy will reap huge returns on this score in due course.



Surya, the Sun, collects vapour from little drops of water. So does the King.

They give back copiously. They collect only for people』s wellbeing.

[Verse 18, Sarga 1 Raghuvamsa by Kalidasa]

114.In continuation of the reform measures already taken so far, the tax proposals in this budget will introduce further reforms to stimulate growth, simplify tax structure, bring ease of compliance, and reduce litigations.

115.Personal Income Tax and simplification of taxation

•In the interim Budget of 2019, our government exempted individuals having income up to ` 5 Lakh from paying any income tax. Presently, an individual pays 20% on income between ` 5 Lakh to ` 10 Lakh and 30% on income above ` 10 Lakh. Further, currently the Income Tax Act is riddled with various exemptions and deductions which make compliance by the taxpayer and administration of the Income Tax Act by the tax authorities a burdensome process. It is almost impossible for a taxpayer to comply with the Income-tax law without taking help from professionals.

•In order to provide significant relief to the individual taxpayers and to simplify the Income-tax law, I propose to bring a new and simplified personal income tax regime wherein income tax rates will be significantly reduced for the individual taxpayers who forgo certain deductions and exemptions.

•Under the new regime, an individual shall be required to pay tax at the reduced rate of 10% for income between ` 5 Lakh to ` 7. 5 Lakh against the current rate of 20%.

•For income between ` 7.5 Lakh to ` 10 Lakh he will pay at the reduced rate of 15% against the current rate of 20 %.

•Similarly for the income between ` 10 Lakh to ` 12.5 Lakh the taxpayer will pay at the reduced rate of 20% against the current rate of 30 %.

•The income between ` 12.5 Lakh to ` 15 Lakh will be taxed at the reduced rate of 25% against the existing rate of 30 %. Incomes above ` 15 lakh will be continued to be taxed at the rate of 30 %.

•Those earning up to ` 5 lakhs shall not pay any tax either in the old regime or in the new regime.

•The proposed tax structure will provide significant relief to taxpayers and more so to those in the middle class.

Taxable Income

Slab (`)Existing Tax RatesNew Tax Rates

0-2.5 LakhExemptExempt

2.5-5 Lakh5%5%

5-7.5 Lakh20%10%

7.5-10 Lakh20%15%

10-12.5 Lakh30%20%

12.5-15 Lakh30%25%

Above 15 Lakh30%30%

•In the new tax regime, substantial tax benefit will accrue to a taxpayer depending upon exemptions and deductions claimed by him. For example, a person earning ` 15 lakh in a year and not availing any deductions etc. will pay only `, 1,95,000 as compared to `, 2,73,000 in the old regime. Thus his tax burden shall be reduced by 78,000 in the new regime. He would still be the gainer in the new regime even if he was taking deduction of ` 1.5 Lakh under various sections of Chapter- VI-A of the Income Tax Act under the old regime.

•The new tax regime shall be optional for the taxpayers. An individual who is currently availing more deductions & exemption under the Income Tax Act may choose to avail them and continue to pay tax in the old regime.

•The new personal income tax rates will entail estimated revenue forgone of ` 40,000 crore per year. We have also initiated measures to prefill the income tax return so that an individual who opts for the new regime would need no assistance from an expert to file his return and pay income tax.

•In order to simplify income tax system, I have reviewed all the exemptions and deductions which got incorporated in the income tax legislation over the past several decades. It was surprising to know that currently more than one hundred exemptions and deductions of different nature are provided in the Income-tax Act. I have removed around 70 of them in the new simplified regime. We will review and rationalise the remaining exemptions and deductions in the coming years with a view to further simplifying the tax system and lowering the tax rate.

116.Dividend Distribution Tax

•Currently, companies are required to pay Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) on the dividend paid to its shareholders at the rate of 15% plus applicable surcharge and cess in addition to the tax payable by the company on its profits.

•It has been argued that the system of levying DDT results in increase in tax burden for investors and especially those who are liable to pay tax less than the rate of DDT if the dividend income is included in their income.

•Further, non-availability of credit of DDT to most of the foreign investors in their home country results in reduction of rate of return on equity capital for them. In order to increase the attractiveness of the Indian Equity Market and to provide relief to a large class of investors, I propose to remove the DDT and adopt the classical system of dividend taxation under which the companies would not be required to pay DDT. The dividend shall be taxed only in the hands of the recipients at their applicable rate.

•Further, in order to remove the cascading effect, I also propose to allow deduction for the dividend received by holding company from its subsidiary. The removal of DDT will lead to estimated annual revenue forgone of ` 25,000 Crore.

• This is another bold move which will further make India an attractive destination for investment.

117.Concessional tax rate for Electricity generation companies

•In order to give boost to the manufacturing sector, new provisions were introduced in September 2019 offering a concessional corporate tax rate of 15% to the newly incorporated domestic companies in the manufacturing sector which start manufacturing by 31st March, 2023.

•In order to attract investment in power sector, I propose to extend the concessional corporate tax rate of 15% to new domestic companies engaged in the generation of electricity.

118.Tax concession for foreign investments

•In order to incentivise the investment by the Sovereign Wealth Fund of foreign governments in the priority sectors, I propose to grant 100% tax exemption to their interest, dividend and capital gains income in respect of investment made in infrastructure and other notified sectors before 31st March, 2024 and with a minimum lock-in period of 3 years.

•In order to make available foreign funds at a lower cost, I propose to extend the period of concessional withholding rate of 5% under section 194LC for interest payment to non-residents in respect of moneys borrowed and bonds issued up to 30th June, 2023.

•I also propose to extend the period up to 30th June, 2023 for lower rate of withholding of 5% under section 194LD for interest payment to Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) and Qualified Foreign Investors (QFIs) in respect of bonds issued by Indian companies and government securities.

•I further propose to extend the concessional rate of withholding of 5% under section 194LD to the interest payment made on the Municipal Bonds.

•In order to incentivise listing of bonds at IFSC exchange, I propose to further reduce the withholding rate from 5% to 4% on interest payment on the bonds listed on its exchange.


Start-ups have emerged as engines of growth for our economy. Over the past year, our Government has taken several measures to hand-hold them and support their growth. During their formative years, Start-ups generally use Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP) to attract and retain highly talented employees. ESOP is a significant component of compensation for these employees. Currently, ESOPs are taxable as perquisites at the time of exercise. This leads to cash-flow problem for the employees who do not sell the shares immediately and continue to hold the same for the long-term. In order to give a boost to the start-up ecosystem, I propose to ease the burden of taxation on the employees by deferring the tax payment by five years or till they leave the company or when they sell their shares, whichever is earliest.

•Further, an eligible Start-up having turnover up to 25 crores is allowed deduction of 100% of its the profits for three consecutive assessment years out of seven years if the total turnover does not exceed 25 crore rupees. In order to extend this benefit to larger start-ups, I propose to increase the turnover limit from existing ` 25 crore to ` 100 crores. Moreover, considering the fact that in the initial years, a start-up may not have adequate profit to avail this deduction, I propose to extend the period of eligibility for claim of deduction from the existing 7 years to 10 years.

120.Concessional tax rate for Co-operatives

•Co-operative societies play an extremely important role in our economy in facilitating access to credit, procurement of inputs and marketing of products to their members. These cooperatives are currently taxed at a rate of 30% with surcharge and cess. As a major concession and in order to bring parity between the co-operative societies and corporates, I propose to provide an option to cooperative societies to be taxed at 22% plus 10% surcharge and 4% cess with no exemption/deductions. Further, I also propose to exempt these co-operative societies from Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) just like companies under the new tax regime are exempted from the Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT).

121.Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSME)

•Currently, businesses having turnover of more than one crore rupees are required to get their books of accounts audited by an accountant. In order to reduce the compliance burden on small retailers, traders, shopkeepers who comprise the MSME sector, I propose to raise by five times the turnover threshold for audit from the existing ` 1 crore to ` 5 crore. Further, in order to boost less cash economy, I propose that the increased limit shall apply only to those businesses which carry out less than 5% of their business transactions in cash.

122.Affordable housing

•For realisation of the goal of 『Housing for All』 and affordable housing, in the last budget I had announced an additional deduction of up to one lakh fifty thousand rupees for interest paid on loans taken for purchase of an affordable house. The deduction was allowed on housing loans sanctioned on or before 31st March, 2020. In order to ensure that more persons avail this benefit and to further incentivise the affordable housing, I propose to extend the date of loan sanction for availing this additional deduction by one more year.

•Further, in order to boost the supply of affordable houses in the country, a tax holiday is provided on the profits earned by developers of affordable housing project approved by 31st March, 2020. In order to promote the affordable housing projects, I propose to extend the date of approval of affordable housing projects for availing this tax holiday by one more year.

123.Concession to real estate transactions

•Currently, while taxing income from capital gains, business profits and other sources in respect of transactions in real estate, if the consideration value is less than circle rate by more than 5 percent, the difference is counted as income both in the hands of the purchaser and seller. In order to minimize hardship in real estate transaction and provide relief to the sector, I propose to increase the limit of 5% to 10%.

124. Charity institutions

•Acknowledging the important role played by the charitable institutions in the society, the income of these institutions is fully exempt from taxation. Further, donation made to these institutions is also allowed as deduction in computing the taxable income of the donor.

•Currently, a taxpayer is required to fill the complete details of the donee in the income tax return for availing deduction.

•In order to ease the process of claiming deduction for donation, it is proposed to pre-fill the donee』s information in taxpayer』s return on the basis of information of donations furnished by the donee. This would result in hassle-free claim of deduction for the donation made by the taxpayer.

•Further, in order to claim the tax exemption, the charity institutions have to be registered with the Income Tax Department. In the past, the process of the registration was completely manual and scattered all over the country.

•In order to simplify the compliance for the new and existing charity institutions, I propose to make the process of registration completely electronic under which a unique registration number (URN) shall be issued to all new and existing charity institutions. Further, to facilitate the registration of the new charity institution which is yet to start their charitable activities, I propose to allow them provisional registration for three years.

125. Faceless appeals

Our government is committed to bringing in transformational changes so that maximum governance is provided with minimum government. In order to impart greater efficiency, transparency and accountability to the assessment process, a new faceless assessment scheme has already been introduced. Currently, most of the functions of the Income Tax Department starting from the filing of return, processing of returns, issuance of refunds and assessment are performed in the electronic mode without any human interface. In order to take the reforms initiated by the Department to the next level and to eliminate human interface, I propose to amend the Income Tax Act so as to enable Faceless appeal on the lines of Faceless assessment.

126. No Dispute but Trust Scheme – 『Vivad Se Vishwas』Scheme

•Sir, in the past our Government has taken several measures to reduce tax litigations. In the last budget, SabkaVishwas Scheme was brought in to reduce litigation in indirect taxes. It resulted in settling over 1,89,000 cases. Currently, there are 4,83,000 direct tax cases pending in various appellate forums i.e. Commissioner (Appeals), ITAT, High Court and Supreme Court. This year, I propose to bring a scheme similar to the indirect tax SabkaVishwas for reducing litigations even in the direct taxes.

•Under the proposed 『Vivad Se Vishwas』 scheme, a taxpayer would be required to pay only the amount of the disputed taxes and will get complete waiver of interest and penalty provided he pays by 31st March, 2020. Those who avail this scheme after 31st March, 2020 will have to pay some additional amount. The scheme will remain open till 30th June, 2020.

•Taxpayers in whose cases appeals are pending at any level can benefit from this scheme.

• I hope that taxpayers will make use of this opportunity to get relief from vexatious litigation process.

127. Losses of merged banks

•As a part of consolidation of the financial sector, our Government has brought out schemes for merger and amalgamation of public sector banks. In order to ensure that the amalgamated entities are able to take the benefit of unabsorbed losses and depreciation of the amalgamating entities, I propose to make necessary amendments to the provisions of the Income-tax Act.

128. Taxpayer』s Charter

•Any tax system requires trust between taxpayers and the administration. This will be possible only when taxpayer』s rights are clearly enumerated. Towards this end, and with the objective of enhancing the efficiency of the delivery system of the Income Tax Department, I propose to amend the provisions of the Income Tax Act to mandate the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) to adopt a Taxpayers』 Charter. The details of the contents of the charter shall be notified soon.

129.Instant PAN through Aadhaar

•In the last Budget, I had introduced the interchangeability of PAN and Aadhaar for which necessary rules were already notified. In order to further ease the process of allotment of PAN, soon we will launch a system under which PAN shall be instantly allotted online on the basis of Aadhaar without any requirement for filling up of detailed application form.

130.Our Government brought in the GST as a historic reform of the indirect taxes in 2017. We also took a path-breaking step of simplifying and rationalising corporate tax in September, 2019. More importantly, we offered a rate of corporate tax, which perhaps is the lowest in the world. Continuing on this path, we have now put the personal income tax at its lowest ever rate and totally removed DDT at the company』s hands. Further, the direct taxes are now the lowest, simplest, and smoothest. Direct tax on the Start-ups also has seen many reformatory steps in quick succession. Even ease of compliance is seeing unprecedented changes. Last but not the least, personal interface with tax administration is at the minimum ever.

Indirect Tax

131.As I mentioned earlier in Part A of my speech, reforms are continuing in GST. A simplified return shall be implemented from the 1st April, 2020. This is under pilot run. It will make return filing simple with features like SMS based filing for nil return, return pre-filling, improved input tax credit flow and overall simplification.

132.Refund process has been simplified and has been made fully automated with no human interface.

133.Electronic invoice is another innovation wherein critical information shall be captured electronically in a centralized system. It will be implemented in a phased manner starting from this month itself on optional basis. It will facilitate compliance and return filing.

134.Several measures have been taken for improving compliance. Aadhaar based verification of taxpayers is being introduced. This will help in weeding out dummy or non-existent units. Dynamic QR-code is proposed for consumer invoices. GST parameters will be captured when payment for purchases is made through the QR-code. A system of cash reward is envisaged to incentivise customers to seek invoice. Deep data analytics and AI tools are being used for crackdown on GST input tax credit, refund, and other frauds and to identify all those who are trying to game the system. Invoice and input tax credit matching is being done wherein returns having mismatch more than 10 percent or above a threshold are identified and pursued. Significant policy level changes have also been made. GST rate structure is also being deliberated so as to address issues like inverted duty structure.

135.On Customs side, a number of measures have been taken for ease of doing business. India』s quantum leap in the Trading Across Border parameter of Ease of Doing Business rankings by the World Bank is a testimony to these efforts. India』s rank on this parameter improved from 146 to 80 in 2018 and further to 68 in 2019. Measures have also been taken for providing a level playing field to our domestic manufacturers, particularly the MSME sector and for securing borders.

136.It has been observed that imports under Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) are on the rise. Undue claims of FTA benefits have posed threat to domestic industry. Such imports require stringent checks. In this context, suitable provisions are being incorporated in the Customs Act. In the coming months we shall review Rules of Origin requirements, particularly for certain sensitive items, so as ensure that FTAs are aligned to the conscious direction of our policy.

137.We are also strengthening provisions relating to safeguard duties which are applied when surge in imports causes serious injury to domestic industry. Amended provisions shall enable regulating such surge in imports in a systematic way. The provisions for checking dumping of goods and imports of subsidized goods are also being strengthened for ensuring a level playing field for domestic industry. These changes are in line with the international best practices.

138.Exemptions from customs duty have been given in public interest from time to time. However, a number of these have outlived their utility or have become outdated. On review, certain such exemptions are being withdrawn. Remaining custom duty exemptions shall be comprehensively reviewed by September, 2020 for taking a view on their relevance. I propose to crowd source suggestions for such reviews. Suggestions would also be invited in respect of the Customs laws and procedures for aligning them with the needs of changing times and ease of doing business.

139.Labour intensive sectors in MSME are critical for employment generation. Cheap and low-quality imports are an impediment to their growth. Special attention has been taken to put measured restraint on import of those items which are being produced by our MSMEs with better quality. Keeping in view the need of this sector, customs duty is being raised on items like footwear and furniture.

140.Our policy of Make in India has started giving dividends. India is now making world class goods and exporting such products. We have made considerable progress in medical equipment too. Till few years back we were dependent on imports for medical equipment. Now, not only we are manufacturing medical equipment but also exporting them in large quantities. This sector deserves further fillip. Government has also been committed to provide health services to all. Ayushman Bharat has made it possible. To achieve the twin objectives of giving impetus to the domestic industry and also to generate resource for health services, I propose to impose a nominal health cess, by way of a duty of customs, on the imports of medical equipment keeping in view that these goods are now being made significantly in India. The proceed from this cess shall be used for creating infrastructure for health services in the aspirational districts.

141.Under Make in India initiative, well laid out customs duty rates were pre-announced for items like mobile phones, electric vehicles and their components. This has ensured gradual increase in domestic value addition capacity in India. Customs duty rates are being revised on electric vehicles, and parts of mobiles as part of such carefully conceived Phased Manufacturing Plans.

142.In other changes, customs duty is being reduced on certain inputs and raw materials while it is being revised upward on certain goods which are being made domestically. In the previous budget, basic custom duty of 10% was imposed on the news print and lightweight coated paper. However, since then I have received several references that this levy has put additional burden on print media at a time when it is going through a difficult phase. I, therefore, propose to reduce basic customs duty on imports of news print and light-weight coated paper from 10% to 5%.

143.Chemicals are crucial feed stocks for downstream users. PTA, for example, is a critical input for textile fibres and yarns. Its easy availability at competitive prices is desirable to unlock immense potential in textile sector which is a significant employment generator. Therefore, in the larger public interest, anti-dumping duty on PTA is being abolished.

144. As a revenue measure, I propose to raise excise duty, by way of National Calamity Contingent Duty on Cigarettes and other tobacco products. However, no change is being made in the duty rates of bidis.

145.Finally, continuing the tax reform is an ongoing challenge and we propose to pursue them with full vigour.

146. Details of my budget proposals relating to direct and indirect taxes are in the Annexure to my speech.

147.Mr. Speaker Sir, with these words I commend the Budget to this august House.

union budget 2020


Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman ahead of Budget presentation. (Photo: Ramesh Pathania/Mint)


  01:44 PM IST

