The Dark Secrets Behind ROE

As businesses continue to pursue growth and success, financial ratios such as Return on Equity (ROE) are becoming increasingly important. ROE measures how much profit a company is generating relative to its shareholders’ investment, giving investors a crucial benchmark in evaluating a company’s performance. ROE can determine whether a business is profitable, efficient, and offers a good return on investment. However, there are dark secrets lurking behind ROE that investors need to be aware of to make informed decisions.

What is ROE?

ROE is a financial ratio that measures how effectively a company is using its equity to generate profit. It is expressed as a percentage value that represents the amount of profit earned per dollar of shareholders’ equity. For instance, if a company has $100,000 in equity and generates $10,000 in net income, its ROE will be 10% (10,000/100,000).

ROE is essential in assessing a company’s profitability but should be analyzed alongside other key performance indicators (KPIs) like debt-to-equity ratio, liquidity ratio, and cash flow.

The Dark Secrets Behind ROE:

1. High ROE may not reflect a good business model

A high ROE value indicates that a company is effectively using its equity to generate net income. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the business is sustainable. A company may have an inflated ROE because of a change in accounting policies or significant asset sales, emphasizing the importance of investigating how the company achieved their ROE values.

2. ROE doesn’t account for different risks

ROE doesn’t take into account different types of risks and returns associated with different industries. For example, an auto manufacturer will have a different ROE value than a pharmaceutical company, even if their profit margins are the same. Therefore, when comparing various companies’ ROE, investors should consider their market risk, size, and industry-specific risks.

3. ROE can be easily manipulated

Companies can manipulate their ROE values by using financial techniques such as leverage and financial engineering. For example, a company can increase their ROE by borrowing funds at a lower interest rate than their return on investment. Therefore, it is crucial to analyze the company’s balance sheet to ensure that the ROE reflects the financial health of the business and isn’t inflated artificially.

4. Short-term ROE can be deceiving

When analyzing a company, investors need to be mindful that short-term ROE values may not be an accurate representation of the business’s long-term profitability. Companies may have a high ROE value in the short term due to non-recurring income or a one-off event. Therefore, investors should take a long-term approach that considers the business’s profitability over time.


1. Can a company have a negative ROE value?

Yes, a company can have a negative ROE value if their net income is negative or their equity is negative. A negative ROE indicates that the company’s operations are generating losses instead of profits.

2. Why is ROE important for investors?

ROE is an essential financial ratio for investors as it measures how effectively a company is generating profit relative to the amount of equity invested. A high ROE value suggests that the company is using its equity efficiently.

3. What is a good ROE value?

A good ROE may vary based on the industry, but generally, an ROE value of 15% or higher signifies a company that is efficiently using its equity to generate profit.

4. Can ROE be compared between different industries?

ROE can be compared between different industries, but investors should be cautious as the profit margins, risks, and returns associated with different industries may vary. Therefore, investors should consider industry-specific KPIs when analyzing a company.


While ROE is an essential financial ratio for evaluating a company’s profitability, investors need to be aware of the dark secrets lurking behind its value. Companies can manipulate their ROE values by using financial techniques such as leverage and financial engineering, emphasizing the importance of analyzing the company’s balance sheet. Investors should also consider the industry-specific risks, market size, and long-term profitability when comparing ROE values. With these considerations in mind, investors can use ROE as a crucial benchmark for evaluating a company’s financial health.



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